Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's in the little things...

It's all the little things that never seem to mean much at the time but mean so much later.  Like fireflies... beautiful beacons of light flashing in the early night.  Do you remember chasing them around for what seemed forever and ending with a glowing jar at the end?  What wonderful fun childhood memories.  Florida doesn't have fireflies... or at least not waaaaaay down here in the south.  None!  We have mosquito's instead.  LOL 

When I think of catching fireflies, we would scoop them up, try to catch them in mid air or pick them off of you as they land.  But it's a bug!  Why are some bugs okay to touch but other bugs send you running the opposite direction?  Like lady bugs.  Harmless pretty bugs with all those beautiful dots ... we pick them up.  Heck, we even blow them away and make a wish.  Why not OTHER bugs... I won't say what OTHER bugs I'm talking about because it will give me the creepy crawlies just thinking about it.  But why are these two bugs ok?  Hrmm...

Buggies or not, I sure would love to sit on the porch watching them light up the sky.  You always knew it was summer when you had sticky fingers from the watermelon, your feet were bare and your jar was full. 

Chasing Fireflies,

PS Father's Day key chains have come to our Etsy store. Yippee... :)  AND we were picked to be featured in the Treasury again last night but this time for our silver bracelets!