Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Did you hear that??

Did you hear that? It was the whooshing sound of time flying by! 16 days since my last post. I swear, I am usually so much better than this. I have been juggling so much lately, I just don't always know where to begin!

Did anyone notice that my Etsy store has no new sewing in it? Jim has totally taken over my time with his constant questions about this or that.  He is the utilitarian 1/2 of this equation and I bring the creativity.  I think I spend more time trying to plan what he is making next, than I do anything else.  I love him, but sometimes ya just wanna kill him! LOL Besides, when did I become the token silver polisher?

So... Very exciting that we finally were able to bring our spoon bracelets to Etsy.  They are stunning and I want to keep all of them for myself.  Each and every one.  I keep sneaking off with a few finished bracelets and he keeps having to go get them back to be photographed.  I have to come up with a better hiding spot.  Darn that Jim again!  ;)

Enjoy the new pics of my new "babies"... We have had so much fun creating them! 
