Sunday, May 02, 2010

Slow getting anything done....

Spoons have come to my Etsy shop. Thank Goodness, I finally got them done. It's a double edged sword though. I listed a bunch, sold a bunch and now I have to list a bunch again. LOL Don't get me wrong, I am all for making money, but holy cow it's exhausting dealing with that site. Their listing format bites hiney.

So .. very little is going my way these days. I am suppose to be listing on Ebay and I just don't. But is that really something new? LOL I have many beautiful summer dresses cut out and ready to be sewn togther... and I just don't. I am falling somewhere between the lines of inspired and just too tired to give a shit. KWIM?

As a source of inspiration to my fellow crafters, I wanted to pass on my most favorite quilt pattern site... ... Thousands of free quilt patterns. I would love to get a little quilting done but, you know how it will go. LOL

I am totally on the self pity whining pathetic train this morning. Perhaps after breakfast, things will at least seem more promising that I might accomplish something today.

I am paying hard cash for anyone to weed my veggie garden... LMAO... Apply Within!!